giosg Blog

Read our blog posts for expert tips on how to optimize your e-commerce store and improve customer experience.

Get Started with Video Commerce: 5 Use Cases & Benefits

Posted by Daniela Puyos, on 21 May, 2024

Looking to get started with video commerce? Smart move! Video commerce has gained popularity in the last few years, and by now we know this trend is not going anywhere! No wonder why! As we move into ...

5 Benefits of Providing Personal Shopping Assistant Online

Posted by Daniel Paul, on 21 May, 2024

'If you're a shopper, your personal shopping assistant can help you make smarter choices. These assistants track products and prices for you, helping you find the right products at the right price. Th...

7 Marketing Automation Ideas for Your eCommerce Site

Posted by Adelina Karpenkova, on 15 March, 2024

How many visitors land on your site every day? A thousand? A few hundred thousand? With an average conversion rate of an eCommerce site of 2.3%, you inevitably lose 97.7% of visitors. But you don’t ha...

12 Ecommerce Sales Strategies to Boost Your Peak Season Sales

Posted by Jade Ventoniemi, on 19 March, 2024

Consumers are expecting more and more hassle-free, convenient shopping experiences. Retailers are under more pressure to improve their eCommerce sales strategy and achieve good results, especially dur...

How to Use eCommerce Guided Selling to Improve Shopping Experiences

Posted by Hazel Raoult, on 5 September, 2023

Imagine you're searching for a new pair of headphones. You click on a website and suddenly, you're met with a virtual assistant asking you about your preferred features — noise cancellation, over-ear,...

14 Must-Have eCommerce Solutions to Scale Your Business

Posted by Pratik Shinde, on 26 February, 2024

Globally, eCommerce sales are expected to account for 20.8% of retail sales in 2023. This number clearly shows how eCommerce is taking over and becoming a more important part of global commerce.

7 Fresh Ways to Increase Customer Retention for eCommerce

Posted by Burkhard Berger, on 22 September, 2023

Attracting new customers is one thing, but ensuring they will return and continue to purchase more of your products is another. So, what's the best way to improve customer retention in your eCommerce ...

Tips for Creating a Successful Omnichannel eCommerce Strategy

Posted by Josef Mohamed, on 29 January, 2024

With the rise of eCommerce, providing customers with an omnichannel experience is becoming more and more important for businesses. According to recent studies, it's no surprise that 73% of customers p...

How to hire a virtual assistant for your eCommerce business

Posted by Mackenzie Lepretre, on 27 February, 2024

Do you feel overwhelmed with all the things you need to do to keep your eCommerce business running smoothly? Hiring a virtual assistant can help ease the workload and give you breathing room to focus ...