Facts, figures and detailed insights are often lacking, when it comes to customer service. That's why we wrote this jargon-free article with 4 examples of how different companies have succeeded in providing excellent customer experience online. We hope that by sharing how Finnair, Delete, XXL and If Insurance have improved their CX, you will gain actionable ideas and factual information for your own strategy.

Finnair wanted to reach a customer satisfaction score of 4.4 / 5. The problem was they were using expensive channels, like phone and email for customer support. Not only that, their online traffic was continuously increasing.
Today most of us prefer to book flights online and do all other necessary procedures online - Finnair's customers are no different. In order to match the needs of their customers, Finnair needed to make their customer service more efficient.
How? They implemented a live chat that targeted those who are actually in need of it. This means that chat conversations only open automatically for people looking for contact details or for people on landing pages with high exit rates. For visitors on other landing pages, the chat is just an option and can be opened if needed, but a conversation window doesn't pop-up instantly.
Overall, chat has enabled more efficiency as one service agent can now take care of 3-5 customers simultaneously, with the best agents handling up to 7. Finnair's customer service agents can have 5 chat windows open at the same time, as opposed to one ongoing phone call with 4 people waiting in line. Now that’s an improvement.
More details?
- Finnair dedicated 12-15 people on their chat channels
- They aim to respond chat messages in less than 10 seconds
- They resolve 70% of the cases during the chat conversation.
Delete wanted to offer an outstanding customer experience and resolve customer issues quickly, while maintaining the highest-quality of service.
After re-launching their company website, their number of online visitors increased by 20% from 13 000 to 15 000. Proposal requests are essential for Delete, but after the launch these hadn’t increased at the same rate. This was an issue, which needed to resolved.
How? They decided to outsource a part of their customer service. So, they implemented a live chat service with outsourced chat agents trained to respond to customer queries. Using the chat software, they created smart rules on various pages and customised the automated greeting messages for different contexts - meaning different messaging for first-time visitors and returning visitors. Leads generated by this system are sent directly to
Delete’s CRM and outside their opening hours contact details are collected via a lead collection form. With this solution they are able to track customer behaviour and understand it better. It has helped them improve their overall website, which is now the company’s single most important sales channel. That's a positive result!
More details?
- Total leads gathered increased by 30%.
- This solution cost Delete 1500€ monthly including the software and the outsourced agent - In response they get 100 proposal requests through this channel worth €15 million annually. Great trade.
XXL had the same problems as any other online retailer - lousy conversion rates between 1-3%. Basically for every buyer there were 30-100 visitors buying nothing. Something in their online shopping experience wasn't right and needed to be changed.
How? They started by implementing a live chat as a base solution, but with a slightly different approach. It was clear to XXL, that some people didn't mind a chat window popping up to their screen, whereas some were instantly annoyed by it causing them to leave the page. That's why they decided to run an a/b-test over a three-month period, where the AI-powered live chat competed against manually targeted live chat. The AI used a machine learning model to study, which visitors to target based on page visits, time on site etc. At the same time, the group without the AI made their own targeting rules in the system manually. The AI-powered chat won with 6,6% better conversion rate compared to the other group. This was thanks to the AI´s ability to attract visitors who would have bought from a competitor, later or would not have bought at all. That's a great improvement to their online shopping experience!
More details?
- Both a/b groups greeted the visitor with the same automated message.
- The chat appeared only if someone at XXL was online to pick up the conversation.
If Insurance
If insurance didn't have a tool to offer real-time online customer service on a scale they would've wanted. They had chat for logged-in customers during working hours, but it wasn't enough. Their customer service agents needed more time to address the most demanding customer cases.
How? They implemented a chatbot, called Emma. Emma is available 24/7 and can handle ⅔ of conversations on its own, forwarding the ⅓ for the customer service agents or ask a phone number to get someone to call back.
The bot knows the agent with the best knowledge on a certain subject and calls in a human agent when necessary. Emma, on its own, can provide relevant information like pricing tables, pdf files on specific guides or useful links.
This solution has decreased average handling time for service requests and has had a positive impact on customer satisfaction Customer service agents can now provide personal needs assessments and guidance online. What a way forward!
More details?
- When a bot calls in a human agents, he or she can see the whole conversation history between the bot and the customer
- Emma is a well trained bot. “Training” the bot can happen via FAQ-patterns, chat logs or by manually configuring reply patterns. A lot of work but worth it in the long run.
There you have it - 4 very straightforward ways to improve customer experience online with some hard evidence. We hope this article delivered the facts and details you needed!
If you want to learn more about Customer Experience actually is and how to build one from scratch - take a look at our whitepaper!