Construction company YIT managed to convert 3% of visitors of live chat into home buyers within 2 months from their first chat - read the complete success story!
The Challenge
Selling newly constructed homes is a slow process, and within the last decade closing deals has become even more difficult as apartment hunters are relying more on the digital channels than on the assistance of a realtor.
YIT has a showcase of new homes on their website and used contact forms to capture leads. However, their contact form wasn't converting and generates a low amount of home buyer leads for their sales team.
Thus, YIT wanted an easy solution that would detect potential buyers early on their purchasing journey.

Enter giosg
YIT decided to implement a proactive sales chat using giosg's chat solution. Their chat service was set to automatically start a conversations with the most lucrative visitors on the site, when their sales representatives are available online.
The autosuggest-feature greets visitors with a prewritten message, helping the sales representative be proactive without having to make the difficult first move to start the conversation. If a visitor replies to the automated message, the conversation is picked up by the first available sales representative in that area.
The Results
The same sales representative is always responsible for the whole sales funnel from chat conversation and booking a viewing to ultimately closing the deal.
“Giosg has provided amazing service and they are constantly developing the product. I can highly recommend.”
Nina Inkala, YIT
Immediately after using the giosg chat solution, sales team noticed the automated chat was engaging high-intent website visitors with a clear buying intention. The questions asked in chat were relevant to the apartment details and the sales reps were able to convert the anonymous chat discussions to actual home buyer leads.
Only a few months after the launch, YIT has acquired hundreds of warm leads through chat. Even more impressively, almost 3% of those who chatted had purchased an apartment within 2 months from the first chat, a conversion rate not bad for the biggest investment in one’s lifetime!